During Brooke's follow up appointment with the surgeon, the nurse saw Brooke's button cover and mentioned that a lot of parents ask about alternates to gauze and tape. After thinking about it for a little bit, I decided I would make a bunch of covers and see what happens.
I will make them out of: organic bamboo velour which will go against the site area, organic bamboo french terry which will be a middle layer, organic bamboo fleece which will be on top and possibly the last layer if no designs are wanted and a variety of flannels and cotton prints on top. I will use KAM plastic snaps as the closure. I'm not sure how much I will sell them for but I will make a decision before I activate my FB page.
My plan is to make a lot to send to Children's Hospital. I will sew up little bags and include two pads and a business card in each bag. The parents and guardians can try them out free of charge and if they decide that they like them, they can order from my FB page.
My organic bamboo fabrics should arrive within a week so I hope to have a box ready to send to Children's by the beginning of March. I hope I have a lot of success with Brooke's Buttons. :)